
When you first install our theme, some homepage sections are already visible — namely the header and footer, which are standard for any online store.

Each of these sections associates to “empty state” placeholder content in the preview. These preview the formatting for each section.


Clicking on any of these section blocks will bring up a set of unique configuration settings. You can also click Add section, which will reveal an array of other optional sections that you can add to your homepage.

At the very bottom of each section's settings there is a Theme settings link, which you can expand to reveal additional settings that pertain to that section. Note that many of these theme settings affect elements beyond that specific section, so be careful with the changes you make here. These will be explored in depth in the article, Theme Settings.


If you want to use wishlist in product page and rating on products. You need to use the apps below


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Badge with no reviews


Badge with 1 or more reviews
